Lean and agile, Albion horses can carry their riders quickly across the continent, but have little strength to bear heavy items.
Item Power: 700
No data available for this item
Prices are provided by the Albion Online Data Project
Item Value | 320 |
Crafting Fame (Premium) | 675 |
mountcategory | HORSES |
Max Quality Level | 5 |
Item Power | 700 |
Ability Power | 100 |
Slot Type | mount |
Weight | 23 |
Passive Spell Slots | 1 |
Durability | 18.0k |
durabilityloss_receivedattack_mounted | 1 |
durabilityloss_receivedspell_mounted | 5 |
mounttime | 3 |
Mount HP | 1.1k |
Mount HP Regen | 11 |
remountdistance | 2 |
halfmountrange | 18 |
forceddismountcooldown | 30 |
forceddismountspellcooldown | 0 |
fulldismountcooldown | 30 |
remounttime | 0 |
forceddismountbuff | FORCE_DISMOUNTED |
hostiledismountbuff | DISMOUNTED_HOSTILE |
longhostiledismountbuff | DISMOUNTED_HOSTILE_LONG |
canusetownportal | true |
vfxAddonKeyword | mount_horse |